Feb 16, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Undergraduate Admissions

Admission Philosophy

Admission to Bowie State University is granted to qualified applicants who will benefit from the University’s academic and social experiences. The University is especially well-equipped to support students who see value in our academic offerings and opportunities.

Basis of Selection

New students are eligible for admission at the beginning of FALL and SPRING terms. New students who transfer at least 24 credit hours to Bowie State may also be eligible to begin in SUMMER or winter terms. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Admissions decisions are determined by your academic performance, standardized college exams, recommendations of appropriate school officials, and other evidence deemed indicative of the your ability to successfully complete a collegiate course of study. Bowie State University does not discriminate against any student on basis of age, race, creed, religion, handicap, gender, nationality, ethnic origin or any other unrelated characteristics. 

Applying For Admission

Application for Admission

  • You must submit the application for admission via the web.
  • Use the URL below for detailed instructions for creating your personal account, completing and submitting the application admission.


Priority Application Deadlines

  • FALL

May 1


December 1

Application Fee

  • BSU does not require an application fee

High School Applicants

High School Transcript

  • Admission consideration is given to applicants who have earned the standard high school diploma from an accredited high school
  • Request an official copy of your high school transcript showing at least six semesters of work, or at least through the completion of your junior year.
  • Transcripts are considered official when received directly from the issuing institution in a sealed envelope with the school’s seal and/or official signature.
  • Six-semester transcripts can be used to evaluate your admissibility. Your enrollment for the application term is based upon review on your final eight-semester transcript with graduation date.

High School Curriculum

Admission consideration is given to applicants who have completed a minimum of the following:

  • English
4 years or units
  • Mathematics
4 years or units,  Algebra I, Applied Math I & II, Geometry and Algebra II
  • Social Science
3 years or units
  • Natural Science
3 years or units
  • Foreign Language
2 years or units
  • Advanced Technology

SAT I and ACT Scores

  • Applicants applying for admission directly from high school are required to submit SAT or ACT scores.
  • Scores submitted directly to Bowie State from the testing agency are preferred.
  • The test score requirement is waived for applicants who graduated high school three or more years before the proposed enrollment date
  • Bowie State University SAT code: 5401
  • Bowie State University ACT code: 1712

Preferred Admission - Academic Requirements 

SAT Total Score
2.30 850 or Higher 17 or Higher

The SAT is super scored (best score in each section from any test date are added together).  The ACT is not super scored, we use your highest composite score.  

Application and Acceptance Fees are Nonrefundable.  These fees are used to offset registration processes.

Application Fee Waivers

  • Bowie State will honor economic hardship fee waiver requests if both of these criterion are met
    1. Applicant submits all required application documents with the fee waiver form/request, and
    2. Applicant submits fee waiver form/request by the priority application deadline for the application term.
  • Bowie State University participates in the College Board Fee Waiver Program.

Placement Assessment and Exam

All entering freshmen are required to complete an initial academic assessment in english, mathematics and reading. The University offers courses and other academic enrichment programs to strengthen areas deemed necessary by the assessment. Based upon the results of your individual assessment, certain academic enrichment work may be required.

Admission Prior to High School Graduation

Admission decisions rendered and issued prior to high school graduation are subject to re-evaluation upon the receipt of the final high school transcript with graduation date. Your admission decision is contingent upon your successful completion of the high school curriculum in a manner that qualifies you for admission to the University according to the academic standards indicated. 

Concurrent Enrollment

Who is Eligible for Concurrent Enrollment?

High school juniors and seniors who seek to take undergraduate courses, but do not intend to begin work towards a degree at this time are eligible for concurrent enrollment

Applicants for Concurrent Enrollment Must Provide the Following:

  • Complete Concurrent Enrollment Application and Continuing Education Application for Admission
  • $17.00 non-refundable application fee
  • Unofficial high school transcript
  • Recommendation from high school guidance counselor
  • Principal’s approval to participate in concurrent enrollment

Program Guidelines

  • Concurrent enrollment admission consideration is given to applicants who have earned at least a 2.50 cumulative GPA at the time of application
  • Concurrently enrolled students may enroll in a maximum of six (6) credit hours per semester, depending upon academic background and current high school course load
  • Payment of the standard fee per credit hour is required each semester.
  • Concurrent enrollment participants who choose to enroll at Bowie State as degree candidates must reapply for standard admission and provide the required official application materials.

Dual Enrollment

Who is Eligible for Dual Enrollment?

  • Be enrolled in the 11th or 12th grade in Prince Georges County Public School System on the first day of the semester in which the course is offered.  This will apply to rising 11th and 12th graders during the summer session.
  • Demonstrate, via placement test, college readiness in math English and /or Reading results of Accuplacer, ALEKS, Compass, ACT and SAT may be used to determine readiness for college-level work.  Minimum scores for college readiness are listed in Appendix of the handbook.
  • Maintain a 2.5 high school cumulative GPA.

Applicants for Dual Enrollment Must Provide the Following:

  • Completed BSU/PGCPS Dual Enrollment Application Form
  • Completed Supplemental

Transfer Applicants 

Who is Eligible to Transfer

  • Transfer admission is considered for applicants at all class levels.
  • No minimum credit hours or units are required.
  • Transfer consideration is given for all academic terms.

Official Transcripts

Transcripts are considered official when received directly from the issuing institution in a sealed envelope with the school’s seal and/or official signature.

  • University Transcripts
    • Official academic transcripts are required from all colleges and/or universities you have attended, regardless of grade point average or number of hours completed.
  • High School Transcripts
    • You must submit an official high school transcript if you have earned less than 24 transferable hours.


You must submit SAT or ACT scores if (1) you have earned less than 24 transferable hours and (2) you completed high school less than three years before your intended enrollment date 

Minimum Requirements

  • College GPA
Applicants earning at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA in all college coursework are considered for regular admission
  • Academic Standing
Good academic standing and/or eligibility to return to previous institution for full-time study is required for admission consideration
  • High School GPA
If a high school transcript is required to complete your admission file, you must have earned at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA
  • SAT or ACT
Applicants who are required to submit test scores must meet the minimum score requirements for preferred admission

SAT and ACT Scores

  • Bowie State University SAT code: 5401
  • Bowie State University ACT code: 1712


Students who hold a baccalaureate degree and wish to earn a second baccalaureate degree in a new field are permitted to count toward that degree any completed courses that can be used to satisfy the general education requirements or electives.  To earn the second degree, students must complete all major and major-related courses in the new field as are specified by the new discipline.     Students must submit the following:

Official Transcripts - Transcripts are considered official when received directly from the issuing institution in a sealed envelope with the school’s seal and/or official signature.   Electronic transcripts are also considered official if sent directly from the issuing institution to ugradadmissions@bowiestate.edu

Evaluation of Transfer Credits

  • An official transcript is required for formal credit evaluation. At the discretion of University personnel, unofficial transcripts may be used for advising or counseling.
  • We make every effort to match your transferable courses to our General Education and academic discipline coursework.
  • In most cases, coursework from regionally accredited institutions for which you’ve earned at least a “C” or better is transferable, if comparable coursework is offered at Bowie State.
  • The University reserves the right to deny transfer credit for coursework completed at institutions prior to enrollment at Bowie State, but not listed on the application for admission.
  • Review transfer evaluations carefully. Questions and/or concerns regarding evaluation of transfer credit should be resolved within 21 days of completed initial evaluation.
  • The University reserves the right to revoke offers of admission for transfer applicants who do not maintain the minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA through the most recent semester of attendance at last school attended.

Placement Assessment and Exam

  • Exemption from the standard placement assessment is granted to applicants who transfer the equivalent of three hours in both college-level mathematics and English.

GED Recipients

Official GED Transcript and Score Report

  • Request an official copy of your GED transcript and score report.
  • Transcripts are considered official when received directly from the issuing institution in a sealed envelope with the school’s seal and/or official signature.

Minimum Requirements

  • Individual Score
145 standard score
  • Total Score
582 combined score of the four subject areas
  • ACT
  • SAT

Home Schooled Applicants

Bowie State welcomes applications from nationally and/or regionally recognized home-school programs.

Official Transcript of Academic Work

  • Official transcripts with traditional letter or numerical grades or narrative assessment of academic progress are required
  • Some applicants may also be required to submit curriculum vitae describing course content, instructional materials and an evaluation of student work.

SAT I and ACT Scores

  • Applicants applying for admission directly from high school are required to submit SAT or ACT scores.
  • Scores submitted directly to Bowie State from the testing agency are preferred.
  • The test score requirement is waived for applicants who graduated high school three or more years before the proposed enrollment date
  • Bowie State University SAT code: 5401
  • Bowie State University ACT code: 1712

Mature Adult Policy

  • Applicants who have not attended high school or college for a period of at least three (3) consecutive years may be considered for admission without penalty for previous academic record.
  • Applicants are required to submit official academic transcripts
  • Applicants who have not yet attended a college or university must provide proof of standard high school diploma or its equivalent.

Appealing the Admission Decision

Re-Admit Students

Priority Application Deadlines

  • FALL
June 1
January 1

Application Fee

  • There is no application fee for readmission.

Application for Readmission

  • Please do not complete the standard application for admission. Please contact the Office of Admission for the proper form.

Review of Applications

  • Readmission applications are reviewed and evaluated by several University units before decisions are rendered.
  • Applicant files are reviewed for issues related to, but not limited to
    • satisfactory academic progress;
    • academic standing;
    • student judiciary concerns; and
    • satisfactory financial status.
  • Official transcripts are required from any college or university attended since last enrolled at Bowie State.

Residency Policy



(Approved by the Board of Regents August 28, 1990; Amended July 10, 1998; Amended November 27,

2000; Amended April 11, 2003; Amended June 23, 2006, Amended February 15, 2008, Amended

October 24, 2014, Amended April 10, 2015, Amended February 17, 2017, Amended June 16, 2017,

Amended April 19, 2019)



A. Purpose

To extend the benefits of its system of higher education while encouraging the economical use of the State’s resources,1 it is the policy of the Board of Regents of the University System of Maryland (USM) to recognize the categories of in‐state and out‐of‐state residency for the purpose of admission and assessing tuition at USM institutions.


B. Qualification for In‐State Status

Generally, in order to qualify for in‐state status, a prospective, returning, or current student must demonstrate that he or she is a permanent Maryland resident. Under certain circumstances, as set forth in this Policy, students who are not permanent Maryland residents may qualify temporarily for in‐state status. Students who do not qualify for in‐state status under this Policy shall be assigned out‐of‐state status for admission and tuition purposes.


C. Standard of Proof

The student seeking in‐state status shall have the burden of proving by clear and convincing evidence that he or she satisfies the requirements and standards set forth in this Policy. Assignment of in‐state or out‐of‐state status will be made by each USM institution upon a review of the totality of facts known or presented to it.



A. Criteria for Determination of Residency Status

An initial determination of residency status will be made at the time of admission and readmission based upon information provided by the student with the signed application certifying that the information provided is complete and correct. Additional information may be requested by the

institution, to clarify facts presented. To qualify for in‐state status, the student must demonstrate that for at least 12 consecutive months immediately prior to and including the last date available to register for courses for the semester/term for which the student seeks in‐state status, the student had the continuous intent to reside in Maryland indefinitely and for a primary purpose other than that of attending an educational institution in Maryland. The student will demonstrate the requisite intent by satisfying all of the following requirements for the 12‐month period (or shorter period indicated):


1) Has continuously maintained his or her primary living quarters in Maryland.

2) Has substantially all personal property, such as household effects, furniture, and pets, in Maryland.

3) Has paid Maryland income tax on all taxable income, including all taxable incomeearned outside of Maryland, and has filed a Maryland Resident Tax Return.

4) Has registered all owned or leased motor vehicles in Maryland for at least 12 consecutive months, if previously registered in another state. Students who have lived in Maryland for at least 12 consecutive months but who have had their motor vehicle(s) registered in Maryland for less than 12 months will be deemed to have satisfied this requirement if they can show evidence that their owned or leased motor vehicle(s) was (were) registered in Maryland within 60 days after moving to the state.

5) Has possessed a valid Maryland driver’s license for at least 12 consecutive months, if previously licensed to drive in another state. Students who have lived in Maryland for at

least 12 consecutive months but who have held a Maryland driver’s license for less than 12 months will be deemed to have satisfied this requirement if they can show evidence that

their driver’s license was issued in Maryland within 60 days after moving to the state.

6) Is currently registered to vote in Maryland, if previously registered to vote in another state (no time requirement).

7) Receives no public assistance from a state other than the State of Maryland or from acity, county, or municipal agency other than one in Maryland.

8) Has a legal ability under Federal and Maryland law to live permanently andwithout interruption in Maryland.


B. Presumption of Out‐of‐State Status

Either of the following circumstances raises a presumption that the student is residing in the State of Maryland primarily for the purpose of attending an educational institution and, therefore, does not qualify for in‐state status under this Policy:


1) A student is attending school or living outside Maryland at the time of applicationfor admission to a USM institution, or

2) A student is Financially Dependent on a person who is not a resident of Maryland. A student will be considered financially independent if the student provides 50% or more of his or her own living and educational expenses and has not been claimed as a dependent on another person’s most recent tax returns.




A. Petition for Change in Classification for Tuition Purposes


After the initial determination is made, a student seeking a change to in‐state tuition status must submit a Petition for Change in Classification for Tuition Purposes that includes all of the information the student wishes the institution to consider. All information must be submitted by the

institution’s deadline for submitting a petition for the semester for which the student seeks reclassification. Only one Petition may be filed per semester.


B. Criteria for Change in Tuition Status


A student seeking reclassification from out‐of‐state to in‐state tuition status must demonstrate, by clear and convincing evidence, that for at least twelve (12) consecutive months immediately prior to and including the last date available to register for courses for the semester/term for which the student seeks in‐state tuition status, the student had the continuous intent to 1) make Maryland his or her permanent home; 2) abandon his or her former home state; 3) reside in Maryland indefinitely; and reside in Maryland primarily for a purpose other than that of attending an educational institution in Maryland.


A student will demonstrate the requisite intent by satisfying all of the following requirements for a period of at least twelve (12) consecutive months (or for the shorter period of time indicated) immediately prior to and including the last date available to register for courses in the

semester/term for which the student seeks in‐state tuition status. Evidence of intent must be clear and convincing and will be evaluated not only by the amount presented but also based upon the reliability, authenticity, credibility and relevance of the evidence and the totality of facts known to the institution. The student must demonstrate (providing appropriate documentation as necessary) that for the relevant period he or she:


1) Continuously maintained his or her primary living quarters in Maryland.


2) Has substantially all of his or her personal property, such as household effects, furniture and pets, in Maryland.


3) Has paid Maryland income tax on all taxable income including all taxable income earned outside the State and has filed a Maryland Resident Tax Return.


4) Has registered all owned or leased motor vehicles in Maryland for at least 12 consecutive months, if previously registered in another state Students who have lived in Maryland for at least 12 consecutive months but who have had their motor vehicle(s) registered in Maryland for less than 12 months will be deemed to have satisfied this requirement if they can show evidence that their owned or leased motor vehicle(s) was (were) registered in Maryland within 60 days after moving to the state.


5) Has held a valid Maryland driver’s license, if licensed, for at least 12 consecutive months, if a driver’s license was previously held in another state Has possessed a valid Maryland driver’s license for at least 12 consecutive months, if previously licensed to drive in another

state. Students who have lived in Maryland for at least 12 consecutive months but who have held a Maryland driver’s license for less than 12 months will be deemed to have satisfied this requirement if they can show evidence that their driver’s license was issued in Maryland within 60 days after moving to the state.


6) Is currently registered to vote in Maryland, if previously registered to vote in another state (no time requirement).


7) Receives no public assistance from a state other than the State of Maryland or from acity, county or municipal agency other than one in Maryland.


8) Has a legal ability under Federal and Maryland law to live permanentlywithout interruption in Maryland.


9) Has either not raised the presumption set forth in Section II.B above; or alternatively, if the student’s circumstances have raised the presumption set forth in Section II.B above, the student has rebutted thatpresumption.


C. Rebuttal Evidence

If the information received by the institution about the student has raised the presumption set forth in Section II.B, the student bears the burden of rebutting the presumption set forth in Section II.B by presenting additional evidence of objectively verifiable conduct to rebut the presumption and show the requisite intent. Rebuttal evidence of intent must be clear and convincing and will be evaluated not only by the amount presented but also based upon the reliability, authenticity, credibility and relevance of the evidence and the totality of facts known to the institution. Evidence that does not document a period of at least twelve (12) consecutive months immediately prior to and including the last date available to register for courses in the semester/term for which the student seeks in‐ state tuition status is generally considered an unfavorable factor under this Policy. The absence of objective, relevant evidence is generally considered an unfavorable factor. A student’s statement of intent to remain in Maryland in the future is generally not considered to be objective evidence under this Policy.


For purposes of rebutting the presumption, additional evidence that will be considered includes, but is not limited to:


1) Source of financial support:

a. Maryland employment and earnings history through sources beyond those incident to enrollment as a student in an educational institution e.g., beyond support provided by work study, scholarships, grants, stipends, aid, student loans, etc. (Tuition costs will be considered as a student expense only to the extent tuition exceeds the amount of any educational scholarships, grants, student loans, etc.), or

b. Evidence the student is Financially Dependent, for the previous 12 months, upon a person who is a resident of Maryland.

2) Substantial participation as a member of a professional, social, community, civic, political, athletic or religious organization in Maryland, including professionally related school activities that demonstrate a commitment to the student’s community or to the State of Maryland.

3) Registration as a Maryland resident with the Selective Service, if applicable.

4) Evidence that the student is married to a Maryland resident.

5) Evidence that the student attended schools in Maryland for grades K‐12.

6) Evidence showing the student uses his or her Maryland address as his or her sole address of record for all purposes including on health and auto insurance records, bank accounts, tax records, loan and scholarship records, school records, military records, leases, etc.

7) An affidavit from a person unrelated to the student that provides objective, relevant evidence of a student’s conduct demonstrating the student’s intent to reside in Maryland primarily for a purpose other than that of attending an educational institution in Maryland.

8) Evidence of life and employment changes that caused the student to relocate to Maryland for reasons other than primarily educational purposes (e.g. divorce, family relocation, taking care of a sick family member, etc.)


D. Appeal

A student may appeal an adverse decision on a Petition for Change in Classification.

E. Change in Circumstances Altering In‐State Status

The student shall notify the USM institution in writing within fifteen (15) days of any change in

circumstances which may alter in‐state status. Failure to do so could result in retroactive charges for each semester/term affected.

F. Incomplete, Untimely, False or Misleading Information

If necessary information is not provided by the institution’s deadline, the USM institution may, at its discretion, deny or revoke in‐state status. In the event incomplete, false, or misleading information is presented, the USM institution may, at its discretion, revoke in‐state status and take disciplinary action provided for by the institution’s policies. Such action may include suspension or expulsion. In such cases, the institution reserves the right to retroactively assess all out‐of‐state charges for each semester/term affected.



Non‐residents with the following status shall be accorded the benefits of in‐state status for the period in which they hold such status, if they provide clear and convincing evidence through documentation, by the institution’s deadline for the semester for which they seek in‐state status, showing that they fall within one of the following categories:


A. A full‐time or part‐time (at least 50 percent) regular employee of USM or a USM institution.

B. The spouse or Financially Dependent child of a full‐time or part‐time (at least 50percent) regular employee of USM or a USM institution.

C. An active duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States as defined in 38 U.S.C.A. § 101(10) as the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard, including the reserve components thereof, who is stationed in Maryland, resides in Maryland, or is domiciled in Maryland, or his/her spouse or a financially dependent child of that active duty member. Spouses and children who qualify for exemptions under this provision will retain in‐ state status for tuition purposes as long as they are continuously enrolled, regardless of whether the active duty member’s station assignment, residence, or domicile remains in Maryland.2


2 Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article § 15‐106.4.


D. A veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States who provides documentation that he or she was honorably discharged and currently resides or is domiciled inMaryland.3

E. A veteran who lives in Maryland and was discharged from a period of at least 90 days of service in the active military, naval, or air service less than three years before the date of the veteran’s enrollment and is pursuing a course of education with educational assistance under the

Montgomery G.I. Bill (38 U.S.C. §3001) or the Post‐9/11 G.I. Bill (38 U.S.C. §3301).4 A veteran so described will continue to retain in‐state status if the veteran is enrolled prior to the expiration of the three‐year period following discharge, is using educational benefits under either chapter 30 or chapter 33, of title 38, United States Code, and remains continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms) at the same school.

F. Anyone who lives in Maryland, and:

1) Is using transferred Post‐9/11 G.I. Bill benefits (38 U.S.C. §3319) and enrolls within  three years of the transferor’s discharge or release from a period of at least 90 days of service in the active military, naval or air service; or

2) Is using transferred Post‐9/11 G.I. Bill benefits (38 U.S.C. §3319) and the transferor is a member of the uniformed services who is serving on active duty;

3) Is using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38

U.S.C. §3311(b)(9))5; or

4) Is entitled to rehabilitation under 38 U.S.C. §3102(a).

An individual as described in this Section IV.F will continue to retain in‐state status if the individual is using educational benefits under chapter 30, 31, or 33, of title 38, United States Code, and remains continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms) at the same school.

G. A member of the Maryland National Guard, as defined in the Public Safety Article of the Maryland Annotated Code, who joined or subsequently serves in the Maryland National Guard to: (i) provide a critical military occupational skill; or (ii) be a member of the Air Force Critical Specialty Code as determined by the National Guard.

H. For UMUC, only, a full‐time active member of the Armed Forces of the United States on active duty, or his/her spouse.

I. A graduate assistant appointed through a USM institution for the semester/term of the appointment. Except through prior arrangement, this benefit is available only for enrollment at the institution awarding the assistantship.




Each USM institution shall develop and publish additional procedures to implement this

Policy. Procedures shall provide that on request the institution President or designee has the authority to waive any requirement set forth in Section II if it is determined that the application of the requirements creates an unjust result. These procedures shall be filed with the Office of the Chancellor.



A. Financially Dependent: For the purposes of this Policy, a financially dependent student is one who has been claimed as a dependent on another person’s prior year tax returns or is a ward of the State of Maryland.

B. Financially Independent: For the purposes of this Policy, a financially independent student is one who provides 50% or more of his or her own living and educational expenses and has not been claimed as a dependent on another person’s most recent tax returns.

C. Parent: A parent may be a natural parent, or, if established by a court order recognizedunder the law of the State of Maryland, an adoptive parent.

D. Guardian: A guardian is a person so appointed by a court order recognized under the laws of the State of Maryland.

E. Spouse: A spouse is a partner in a legally contracted marriage.

F. Child: A child is a natural child or a child legally adopted pursuant to a court order recognized under the law of Maryland.

G. Regular Employee: A regular employee is a person employed by USM or a USM institution who is assigned to a State budget line or who is otherwise eligible to enroll in a State retirement system. Examples of categories NOT considered regular employees are graduate students, contingent employees, and independentcontractors.

H. Continuous Enrollment:

1) Undergraduate Student ‐ An undergraduate student who is enrolled at a USM institution for consecutive fall and spring semesters, until completion of the student’s current degree program or unless on an approved leave of absence or participating in an approved program off‐campus.

2) Graduate and Professional ‐ Continuous enrollment for a graduate or professional student is defined by the institution in accordance with program requirements.


I. Armed Forces of the United States: As defined in 38 U.S.C.A. § 101(10) as the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard, including the reserve components thereof.


This Policy as amended by the Board of Regents on April 19, 2019 and shall be applied to all student tuition classification decisions effective Spring semester 2019 and thereafter.


International Applicants

Priority Application Deadlines

  • FALL
April 1 (out of country applicants) & May 1 (applicants in the US)
November 1

Application Fee

  • BSU does not require an application fee

Non-Degree Status

  • International students on F-1 Visas are not eligible for admissions as non-degree students.

Academic Credentials and Official Transcripts

  • Send official and/or notarized academic credentials and/or official transcripts directly to Bowie State University.
  • If your official academic credentials require translation and/or evaluation, send the evaluation directly to Bowie State University. Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc., or World Education Services, or SpanTran are among our trusted evaluation partners.
  • Transfer applicants must submit official transcripts from each college or university attended. Failure to provide information from all previously attended institutions may result in the immediate cancellation of your application for admission.

High School and/or Secondary School 

  • Applicants must be graduates of a secondary school and submit a first or second division General Certification of Education (or its equivalent for those applying from the British Commonwealth).
  • Basic courses in Algebra, English, Geometry, History, Natural Sciences and other academic subjects should have been taken in secondary school. The applicant should have achieved a thorough knowledge of the English language.
  • All school records must be certified by school officials and sent with your application.

Minimum Requirements

  • GPA: Candidates who have earned at least a 2.33 cumulative grade point average are considered for regular admission.


  • SAT Bowie State University SAT code: 5401
  • ACT Bowie State University ACT code:1712


May be required if native language of language of instruction is something other than English. TOEFL minimum scores for the three versions of the exam are:

  • Paper Test
500 or higher
  • Computer Test
173 or higher
  • Internet Test
73 or higher
  • IELTS:  Minimum score of 5.0 is required for undergraduate applicants. 
  • TOEFL or IELTS scores will be waived for applicants who are:
    • Graduates of high schools within the United States, or
    • Students whose native language or language of instruction is English, or
    • Students transferring to Bowie State University after at least one year at another English language college or university
  • Information on the TOEFL exam may be obtained by writing to:
    Education Testing Service·Box 899·Princeton, NJ 08540·USA http://www.ets.org/toefl
  • Information on the IELTS may be obtained by: https://www.ielts.org/

Financial Statement

  • Applicants must provide a notarized financial statement from a United States Embassy showing that the applicant has enough support for study in the United States.
  • The Affidavit of Support cannot be used in lieu of a bank statement
  • Bank statements must be dated within the last six months
  • The Financial Guarantee must have the signature of an authorized bank representative or agent of a recognized sponsoring organization
  • All supporting documents have the official seal of a Notary
  • The following are acceptable sources and required documentation of funds:
    1. Personal - current letter from applicant verifying the amount of applicant’s funds in US dollars and the date the bank account opened. The letter must be on official bank letterhead and addressed to Bowie State University.
    2. Parent, Spouse or Sponsor in the United States - (1) notarized Affidavit of Support and (2) letter from parent’s, spouse’s, or sponsor’s bank and the date the account opened.
    3. Parent, Spouse or Sponsor Outside the United States - (1) notarized letter from the individual(s) in English indicating the relationship and the amount of money that will be made available in US dollars and (2) a letter from parent’s, spouse’s or sponsor’s bank indicating the current balance and the date the account opened.
    4. Government, Employer or International Organization - an official letter from the sponsor addressed to Bowie State University and signed by an authorized representative of the agency or organization. The letter must indicate the amount of the award in US dollars and must detail the terms of the award.

Admission for International Students

  • Admission decisions are based upon acceptable academic credentials and clearance by the International Office.
  • Applicants, who are currently in the US, must contact the International Office for a clearance interview at (301) 860-3393.
  • Applicants who are outside the US must report to the International Office upon arrival in the US before registering for classes.
  • The University reserves the right to require official documentation of any claim.

Issuing the I-20

  • I-20 forms are issued once all required documents are received and admission is granted to the applicant.
  • The I-20, an official acceptance letter and other necessary documents are included in the acceptance materials.
  • The I-20 is not released to a third party. It is issued only to the applicant or mailed directly to the permanent home address listed on the application for admission.
  • Prior to enrollment, you must present an original copy of the I-20 to the Designated School Official (DSO) showing Embassy authorization to enroll as a student with an F-1 Visa and the I-94 card.

SEVIS I-901 Fee

  • Once the I-20 is has been issued, you are responsible for paying the $200 fee (U.S. currency)directly to the Department of Homeland Security
  • The I-901 fee must be paid prior to your scheduled Embassy appointment. Failure to pay this fee may result denial of F-1 status.

Deferred Admission

If you defer your admission for one semester, and if funds are available, you may also defer your admission scholarship for that period. If admission is deferred for more than one academic term, you must meet the applicable scholarship requirements for the deferred entry term.