Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Regulations

Standards of Work Required

Each student at Bowie State University must demonstrate that he/she is making satisfactory academic progress in accordance with University policy. Satisfactory academic progress is determined solely on the basis of grade point average. A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 is considered satisfactory.

Amount of Work Required

A student who attempts at least twelve (12) credit hours per semester is considered a fulltime student. Full-time students should expect to spend thirty-five (35) or more hours per week on their college work, in addition to those hours spent in class.

Undergraduate Catalog

Normally, a student should expect to graduate under the catalog in effect at the time he/she is admitted to the University. If it becomes necessary for a department to change its program during a student’s matriculation at the University, the student will be expected to meet any new requirements (see University Catalog Policy Statement ).

A student who interrupts his/her attendance at the University for more than four consecutive semesters can not claim the right to the program of his/her original enrollment at the University.


Registration occurs during mid-semester of the FALL and SPRING semesters. Registration dates can be found in the academic calendar. All currently enrolled students are encouraged to register early. The Schedule of Classes lists course offerings for each semester and is available in Bulldog Connection. 

Registration guidelines are as follows:

  1. Students must be accepted by the University and continuously enrolled to register.
  2. After consulting with a faculty advisor or an academic advising specialist of the necessary courses and course requirements, students must register on-line using Bulldog Connection on the University Website.
  3. Students must meet the payment deadline, which is usually in January for the SPRING semester and August for the FALL semester, prior to attending classes. 

Schedule Adjustment

The schedule adjustment period (or add/drop period) is typically the first two weeks classes of the fall and spring semester (the first week for 7 week session classes and the first two weeks for 15 week session classes). Students must use Bulldog Connection to add, audit, or drop classes. After the official registration and schedule adjustment period is over, students must use Bulldog Connection to withdraw formally from the class by the specified deadline for that semester to avoid receiving an unsatisfactory grade for a registered class. If the student withdraws from the class by the specified deadline for that semester, the grade of “W” will be recorded on the transcript. A student who drops below twelve (12) semester hours will become a part-time student. The following stipulations apply:

  1. Students may add, drop, or change sections of a course before the end of the schedule adjustment period.
  2. After the schedule adjustment period, students who withdraw from a class will be given the grade of “W.”
  3. Failure to drop or withdraw from a class officially will result in a grade of “F.”

Adding a Class

Students who are registered may add courses during open enrollment and during the schedule adjustment period. If students wish to add a course that is closed, they must request permission from the academic department. The department will issue a permission number if a student is permitted to enroll into a closed course.

Auditing a Class

Students who wish to participate in selected courses but are not seeking academic credit may opt to enroll on an audit basis. Students must pay tuition and fees for audited courses whether enrolled full-time or part-time.

Dropping a Class

Students who wish to drop a course(s) may do so through Bulldog Connection during open enrollment and during the schedule adjustment period. If students drop a course during the drop period, this means that all entries for the course are dropped completely from their transcript. It is students’ responsibility to view their schedule on Bulldog Connection and make sure their schedule is correct.

The last day on which courses may be dropped is published in the Academic Calendar for each semester/term.

All courses in which students are enrolled after the final drop date will be entered permanently on their academic record.

NOTE: Dropping, Withdrawing, or Auditing a course(s) may affect a student’s full/part time status and eligibility. Please visit the Office of Financial Aid at www.bowiestate.edu/admissions-financial-aid/financial-aid/ for Return of Title IV Funds policies and refund information.


Class Attendance

All students are required to register officially and pay tuition and fees before attending classes.

Students are expected to attend classes and laboratory experiences, take all examinations, and participate in other learning activities as designated by the instructor. A student may be advised by the instructor to withdraw from a course for excessive absences. Five (5) or more unexcused absences may result in the student’s receiving a grade of “F” for the course.

A student who is absent from class because of circumstances beyond his/her control and wishes to obtain an excuse must submit documentation to the Chair of his/her academic school requesting an official written excuse to be given to the instructor. The student must provide to his/her instructor the written excuse from the Chair.

Course Time Scheduling

Most day classes are offered between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. as follows: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for 50 minutes; Tuesday and Thursday for 75 minutes. Evening classes are usually scheduled from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. or 7:35 p.m. to 10:05 p.m. and meet once a week. Additionally, courses may be offered on Saturday and Sunday for longer periods. Off-campus courses may be offered in seven-week sessions meeting twice a week for two and one-half hours or once a week for five hours. Distance learning options are also available via Internet and interactive video. Students should review the Schedule of Classes (http://bulldogconnect. bowiestate.edu/) published online each semester for more information about specific classes.

Dean’s List

Within any given semester, a degree-seeking student who completes twelve (12) or more semester hours in regular, graded courses (excluding grades of “NG,” “P,” “PS,” “S,” “U,” “W,” “CR,” and “I”) with a semester grade point average of 3.50 or higher will be placed on the Dean’s List.

Satisfactory Performance

A student whose cumulative grade point average is at least 2.00 will be considered as making satisfactory academic progress at Bowie State University.

Unsatisfactory Performance

Students with a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.00 FALL into one of three categories: warning probation or academic dismissal. Credit hours are earned at Bowie State University with grades of ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, or ‘D’.

  1. Academic Warning
    Any student who for the first time, fails to meet the requirement for satisfactory performance will be placed on academic warning.
  2. Probation
    Students whose cumulative grade point average Falls below 2.00 at the end of a second semester will be notified in writing to seek counseling and guidance from the Academic Advising Center.
  3. Academic Dismissal
    Students who have incurred a warning and probation will be academically dismissed at the end of any semester if their cumulative grade point average Falls below 2.00. A student dismissed from the University for poor academic performance must wait a minimum of one year from the date of a dismissal before being eligible to reapply for admission to the University.

Any student who for the third time fails to meet the requirements for satisfactory performance will be permanently dismissed from the University.

After attempting forty-five (45) or more semester hours, any student who receives a probationary warning for two consecutive semesters will be automatically dismissed.

No student transferring to Bowie State University will be academically dismissed at the end of the First semester if his/her cumulative grade point average is 1.00 or higher. After this First semester, the student will be subject to normal standards for academic progress. This provision does not apply to students reinstated or readmitted to Bowie State University.

Withdrawal from the University

Official withdrawal from the University after classes begin and before the end of the semester requires that the student complete an Application for Withdrawal and file it with the Office of the Registrar. Additionally, veteran students should consult the Veterans Program Assistant for special regulations.

A student who wishes to withdraw from the University must seek an appointment with his/her Dean as part of the withdrawal process. Students withdrawing must have written clearances from the listed offices.

Failure to officially withdraw from the University will result in grades of “F” for the courses in which the student is enrolled. A student withdrawing from the University after the last day to drop a course may ask to receive a grade of “W.”

Return after Withdrawal

Students who withdraw from the University and wish to return must:

  1. complete a Readmission Application that can be obtained from the Website (www.bowiestate.edu/Admissions/Undergraduate/) and submit it to the Office of Admissions;
  2. submit official transcripts from institutions attended while separated from the University; and
  3. receive a readmission or acceptance letter from the University.


Students applying for reinstatement (readmission) to the University must submit a readmission application and other college transcripts if the student attended another institution while away from Bowie State University. If the student attended another institution and his/her cumulative GPA is below a 2.0, the student will be denied readmission. Credits successfully earned at another institution must be approved by the academic department and the Office of Enrollment before they can be applied to the student’s program.

Readmission after Academic Dismissal

  1. After one year, a student can reapply to the University, via the Office of Admissions.
  2. A student who is academically dismissed can appeal to the University Readmission Appeals Committee.
  3. Students must submit a program of study.

Readmission after Social Suspension (refer to Student Handbook)

Students who are dismissed as a result of social suspension can apply for readmission at the end of the suspension period, by forwarding a letter to the Judicial Affairs Officer requesting readmission. The Dean of Student Affairs will determine whether or not the suspension must remain in effect for a longer time.

Expulsion from the University

A student who is expelled is ineligible for readmission to the University.

Academic Clemency Policy

Undergraduate students returning to Bowie State University after a separation of a minimum of five calendar years may petition the appropriate dean to have up to sixteen (16) semester hours of previously earned and/or failing grades and credits removed from the calculation of their cumulative grade point average (GPA). These credits may not be used toward graduation requirements. Once grades/credits have been excluded from the cumulative grade point average, they will not be recalculated into the student’s grade point average. The petition will be evaluated at mid-semester of the student’s first semester of return to the University. The student must follow the procedure outlined below:

  1. Students wishing to take advantage of the clemency policy must have been readmitted to the University.
  2. The student must petition for clemency during the First Semester of his/her re-admittance to the University. The Academic Clemency Form may be secured from the Office of the Registrar.
  3. The petition should be submitted no later than the end of the first year of the student’s return to the University. The petition must be completed and signed by the chairperson and academic dean.
  4. Once the Dean has approved or denied the student’s request for academic clemency, the decision will be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar for processing.

Student Credit Load

Students usually complete a program of study for the baccalaureate degree in four (4) to six (6) years. To complete most programs in four (4) years, the student must maintain good academic standing and successfully complete 30-36 semester hours each academic year. The minimum requirement for graduation is one hundred and twenty (120) semester hours; some programs such as elementary and early childhood/special education require more, in keeping with NCATE and state standards.

A student’s academic credit load is normally fifteen (15) hours per semester. A student may register for a maximum of two courses per SUMMER session and for a maximum of two courses in the winter MINI-SEMESTER. Incoming freshmen placed in three developmental courses are restricted to no more than thirteen (13) semester hours during the First Semester of enrollment. Students are assessed an additional fee for each developmental course.

The minimum semester hour load for a full-time student is twelve (12) semester hours, and the maximum semester load is eighteen (18). Students who are in good academic standing-cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher based on thirty (30) consecutive quality hours completed at Bowie State University-may pursue up to twenty-one (21) semester hours in a semester with the permission of the Dean of his/her School. Students wishing to enroll in more than twenty-one (21) semester hours must have maintained a cumulative grade point average of 3.75 or higher and demonstrated the ability to manage the course load sought. Full-time students with semester hours in excess of eighteen (18) will pay the per semester hour rates beyond eighteen (18) semester hours.

Classification of Students

Students are classified according to the following semester hours:

  Freshman 0 - 29  
  Sophomore 30 - 59  
  Junior 60 - 89  
  Senior 90+  

Course Numbering

All courses are numbered according to the following scheme:

  099-100 Developmental
  101-199 Primarily for Freshmen
  200-299 Primarily for Sophomores
  300-399 Primarily for Juniors
  400-499 Primarily for Seniors
  500 and up Graduate Courses  

Grading System

The following is a description of the criteria used in assigning letter grades:

  A 4.0 Superior
  B 3.0 Above Average
  C 2.0 Average
  D 1.0 Below Average
  F 0.0 Failure
  FN 0.0 Failure to attend/withdraw
  S 0.0 Satisfactory (Cannot be used for developmental courses.)
  U 0.0 Unsatisfactory (A student must repeat any course in which he/she receives a grade of “U.”)
  I 0.0 Incomplete “I” Grade (A grade of “I” is given by a faculty member when a student is unable to complete required course work because of verifiable medical reasons or documented catastrophic events beyond the control of the student and only with approval of the School Dean. No credit is given for the incomplete grade until the faculty member assigns a regular grade. In any event, the “I” must be converted to a regular grade within six weeks of the start of the following semester. After six weeks, the grade of “I” automatically becomes “F” if the professor does not submit the grade.)
  PS 0.0 Pass
  CR 0.0 Credit for Experience
  AU 0.0 Audit (Given when a student has registered and attended a course for audit rather than for credit. A student wishing to audit course(s) must indicate this intent during registration or the time period specified in the Schedule Bulletin. Tuition for audits will be assessed on the same basis as tuition for credit courses.)
  W 0.0 Withdrawal (Given for courses that are officially dropped within the specified period of time printed in each semester’s Schedule Bulletin.)
  NG 0.0 No Grade (Given for Thesis/Dissertation Only.)

Transcript Notations

  Honors Recorded after the course title to indicate that the course was at the Honors level

Grade Point Average (GPA)

  1. Grade point average is computed by dividing the total number of quality points accumulated in courses for which a grade of “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” or “F” has been assigned by the total number of semester hours attempted in those courses. Courses for which a grade of “CR,” “PS,” “S,” “W,” “I,” or “U,”  has been assigned are not included in computing the GPA.
  2. Each of the following letter grades has a numerical value. Multiplying this value by the number of semester hours for a particular course gives the number of quality points earned for that course.
  3. When a course is repeated, only semester hours and quality points for the higher grade assigned for that course are counted in the total semester hours attempted and total quality points.
  4. An example of how a semester GPA and a cumulative GPA are calculated is given below:
Course Quality Hours Grade Quality Points
ENGL 101 3 x 2 C 6
MATH 120 3 x 3 B 9
BIOL 102 4 x 4 A 16
PSYC 101 3 x 1 D 3
HIST 110 3 x 0 F 0


Current Semester Totals 16   34
SEMESTER GPA = Semester quality hours/Semester hours attempted = 34/16 = 2.125
CUMULATIVE GPA = Total quality hours/Total semester hours attempted = 108/43 = 2.511


Course Repeat Policy

Students may repeat courses or may be required to repeat courses for the purpose of increasing mastery in a course. When a course is repeated, only semester hours and quality points for the higher grade are counted in the student’s grade point average. The original grade remains on the student’s transcript, but is marked “excluded from statistics,” signifying the removal of the semester hours and quality points for that course from the student’s grade point average.

Grade Changes

Grade changes, excluding “I” and repeated courses, must be made within one year. The records of all persons who received the bachelor’s degree are closed six weeks after the official date of graduation. Any changes to the permanent record must be made before this date.

Student Grade Appeal Procedures

Students who have documentation that an error was made in the determination of a course grade or desire to appeal a grade due to alleged arbitrary and capricious grading must first discuss the concern with the faculty member involved. If there are unresolved issues, the student may initiate the grade appeal process. The student must direct the appeal in writing, with documentation, through the appropriate channels: Instructor, Department Chair, School Dean, and Provost. If a course assignment grade is in dispute, the student must initiate the appeal no later than ten (10) working days after receiving the grade. If a final grade is in dispute, the student must submit an appeal no later than thirty (30) days from the end of the semester during which the grade was received. Procedures are detailed below.

  1. The student must initially consult with the instructor for a satisfactory resolution of the appeal. If the instructor is no longer with the University or if the student is unable to resolve the issue with the instructor, the student must present the complaint in writing to the Department Chair.
  2. The Department Chair will convene a Departmental Appeals Committee for resolution. If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the Departmental Appeals Committee, the Chair renders a decision.
  3. If the complaint cannot be resolved at the Departmental level, the student must present the complaint in writing to the School Dean within fifteen (15) days after receiving notification of the Department’s decision.
  4. The School Dean will render a final resolution.

University Policy Regarding Academic Honesty

Students are expected to conform to a strict standard of academic honesty. Cheating on examinations, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration with others on assignments, submitting without authorization duplicate assignments for credit in more than one course, and improper acknowledgment of sources of material are intolerable offenses that carry serious penalties.

Policy on Plagiarism

  1. Plagiarism is the act of representing another’s ideas, words, or information as one’s own. Every student writing a paper should be aware of the following principles.
    1. All directly quoted materials must be identified as such by quotation marks. The source(s) of this material must be acknowledged.
    2. When borrowed ideas or information is not directly quoted by a student, the student should have so assimilated this material that it is indeed being expressed in his/her own words. However, just as in the case of direct quotations, the sources of such borrowed ideas or information must be acknowledged.
  2. The sources of ideas or information lying well within the realm of common knowledge (i.e., material that would be known by anyone familiar with the subject under discussion) need not be acknowledged.
  3. Students guilty of plagiarism are subject to severe penalties, ranging from failure for the assignment to failure in the course or, in extreme cases, dismissal from the University. The instructor, in consultation with the Departmental Chair and the School Dean, shall determine the appropriate sanction to be imposed. Students appealing the imposed sanction must present their appeal in writing to the Provost for a final resolution.

Procedures for Handling Cases of Alleged Infractions of Academic Honesty

  1. Faculty members are required to deal directly with any academic infractions. Actions taken must reflect the seriousness of the infractions and could range from a verbal warning, an assigned grade of “F” for the course, academic suspension, to dismissal from the University.
  2. In cases where the instructor concludes that the infraction is severe, a recommendation may be made to the Dean for academic suspension or dismissal from the University.
  3. The Dean may arrange a hearing with individuals (faculty members from another department and student from the Judicial Board) to evaluate the appeal. The Dean will render a final resolution.

Change of Address, Name, and Social Security Number

Students are expected to notify the Office of the Registrar of any change in their local or permanent addresses by completing the Change of Personal Data Form, which is available for download on the University Website. Students who have a change in name must notify the Office of the Registrar and provide the appropriate documentation (i.e., marriage license, divorce decree authorizing use of name, or court order). Name changes can not be made without the appropriate documentation to support the change.

Students wishing to change social security numbers must submit a valid copy of a social security card and complete the Change of Personal Data Form, which is available for download on the University website.

Declaring a Major (Academic Plan)

Students may declare a major (academic plan) on the application for admission, from the various programs listed in this catalog. After being admitted to the University, students must submit a Declaration of Major/Plan Form to change a major (academic plan).

The major course of study is the academic plan in which the student seeks the degree. These programs have been approved by the Board of Regents and other regulatory agencies as required for their continued offering.

Students are required to declare a major after two semesters and no later than the FALL of their third semester. The student may not revert to an undeclared status once the major is declared. Transfer students must declare a major no later than the end of the First Semester of enrollment at the University.

A concentration (sub-plan) is a focused area of study within the student’s major that is formally recognized by the University and will appear on the student’s transcript.

A track (sub-plan) is a focused area of study within a student’s major. Although formally recognized by the University, it will not appear on the student’s academic records.

Double Majors

A double major requires the completion of all requirements for each of two majors. A student who wishes to complete a second major simultaneously with his/her primary major of record must obtain written permission in advance from the appropriate departments or programs and schools. General education courses taken for one major may be counted, as appropriate, for the primary and secondary majors.

Changing a Major

Students wishing to change majors or change from undeclared status to a major must adhere to the following procedure:

  1. Obtain a Declaration of Major Form from the Office of the Registrar.
  2. Meet with the chair of the department in which the student wishes to declare a new major. If the change is granted, the chair will assign the student a new advisor.
  3. Return the Declaration of Major Form to the Office of the Registrar for processing.
  4. Students will be required to meet graduation requirements under the catalog in effect at the time he/she requests the change.

When there has been a discontinuation of a major, students have one year in which they can be grandfathered in under the old major and must complete their current major requirement within that one-year timeframe.


Minors afford students the opportunity to pursue a limited but structured concentration in a coherent field of study outside their major. The minor may be a truncated version of a major or a distinctive intellectual subset of a discipline. Minors are not offered in every field of study. Students should inquire with departments for current availability of minors or see individual listings on this site.

The structures of minors vary in detail, but, with rare exceptions, they all require no fewer than 15 and no more than 24 credits with at least 9 credits in upper division courses (300 level or above). No more than six credits (or two courses) may be applied to satisfy both the requirements of a minor and a major program. No course may be used to satisfy the requirements of more than one minor. All courses taken for a minor must be completed with a minimum grade of C.

To ensure appropriate academic advising, students who wish to pursue a minor should inform both the college responsible for their major and the department offering the minor as early as possible, but in no case later than one full academic year before the expected date of graduation. When a student has completed all requirements for the minor, the department offering the minor shall notify the student’s college, which verifies that the student has met all requirements and officially notifies the Registrar’s Office.

Non-Degree Seeking Students

Non-degree seeking students will not be allowed to complete more than thirty (30) semester hours without approval from the Assistant Provost for Continuing Education and External Programs.

Students who have been denied admission to Bowie State University will not be permitted to attend as non-degree students.

Concurrent Undergraduate-Graduate Registration

Students enrolled in their last semester of study at Bowie State University may register for graduate level courses but must meet the following requirements and adhere to the following process.

The student must:

  1. Have a 3.0 or higher GPA;
  2. Have passed the Bowie State University English Proficiency Examination;
  3. Have completed a hundred and five (105) credits which count toward graduation;
  4. Be making satisfactory progress in his/her major;
  5. Secure permission from his/her Department Chair;
  6. File an application for conditional admission into the graduate program; and
  7. Register for no more than six (6) semester hours.

The student must be granted regular admission to the Graduate School before initiating further course work.

Courses Taken at Other Institutions

Students who wish to take courses at other institutions at anytime while attending Bowie State University must complete the Permission to Enroll at Another Institution Form. The Permission Form must be signed by the Department Chair and Dean of the School in which the student expects to earn a degree and submitted to the Office of the Registrar prior to the student’s enrollment at another institution. Students are also required to:

  1. Be in good academic standing (2.00 or better).
  2. Have fewer than sixty-four (64) earned semester hours.
  3. Be enrolled in course(s) at a university/college that offers equivalent level (100, 200, 300, etc.) courses to those offered at Bowie State. (Credits earned in developmental courses are not transferable to Bowie State University.

Students who have earned sixty-five (65) or more total semester hours (including any transfer credits) may not take courses at any community college for the purpose of transferring the credits earned there toward a degree from Bowie State University. If permission is granted in advance by the Chair of the Department and processed by the Office of the Registrar, students may take courses at any accredited four-year institution for the purpose of transfer providing that the total number of transfer credits does not exceed ninety (90).

Students may not take courses at other institutions if they are within the last thirty (30) semester hours required for a degree. However, up to six (6) semester hours will be allowed if approved in advance by the Chair of the Department and School Dean and processed by the Office of the Registrar.

Credit will be awarded only for those courses in which the student earns a grade of “C” or better. The grade or quality points earned are not posted on the student’s academic record at Bowie State University nor is the grade included in the calculation of the student’s grade point average at Bowie State University. The student is responsible for requesting that an official transcript be sent to the Office of Registrar for any course approved and taken at another institution.

Grades of “D” or “F” earned at Bowie State University may not be repeated at other institutions.

Courses offered at BSU cannot be taken off campus.

USM Concurrent Inter-Institutional Registration Program

University undergraduate students participating in the Concurrent Inter-Institutional Registration Program should obtain permission from their Dean. Course work counts as resident credit. Students participating in this program must be enrolled full time in a degree program at Bowie State University, for the semester in which these courses are taken. Must be in good academic standing (2.00 or better). It is not recommended that students take inter-institutional courses in their final semester.

Additional Means of Earning Credit

Credit for Service in the Armed Forces

Credits may be awarded for educational experience in the Armed Services as recommended in the American Council on Education’s Guide and approved by the University. Veterans and military personnel must be formally admitted to the University and must submit a copy of the Veteran’s Report of Separation (DD 214 Form) to both the Registrar’s Office and the Admissions Office. Training completed through formal service schools (DD 295) and Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) may be submitted for consideration. Official transcripts are required. Credits will be granted for course work that pertains to a student’s major.

Transfer Credits

Credits toward a degree will be accepted from only accredited collegiate level institutions for courses that are equivalent to those offered at Bowie State University. After the student has been approved for admission as an undergraduate, the Admissions Office, in conjunction with the chair of the appropriate academic department or designee, will evaluate credits for university-wide use. Transferable credits applicable to the program of study will count toward graduation, but only credits earned at Bowie State University will be used to compute the GPA for graduation. Grades of “D” from institutions outside the State of Maryland are not transferable to Bowie State University. “D” grades are transferable to Bowie State University from accredited Maryland institutions, with the exception of courses in the student’s major.

Course work in which a grade of “D” or “F” has been earned at Bowie State University may not be repeated at other institutions.

Advanced Placement Credit

Bowie State University will award advanced standing to entering freshmen on the basis of Advanced Placement Examination results. Scores of 3 to 5 will be awarded appropriate credit.

Students must submit official copies of the AP Examination scores to the Office of Admissions. Credits will be awarded according to the following chart:

ART History of Art 3, 4 3 ART 300
BIOL Biology





BIOL 102

BIOL 102 or 103 or 105

CHEM Chemistry


4, 5



CHEM 107

CHEM 107 - CHEM 108

ENGL Lang/Comp





ENGL 101

ENGL 101 and 102

FREN French





FREN 101

FREN 101 and 102


Govt Politics


United States


4, 5


4, 5





GOVT 330

GOVT 330 and 321

GOVT 231

GOVT 231 and 232


European History


United States


4, 5


4, 5





HIST 320

HIST 320 and 322

HIST 201

HIST 201 and 202


Calculus (ab)


Calculus (bc)


4, 5


4, 5





MATH 225

MATH 225 or MATH 225 and 226

MATH 225 or MATH 225 and 226

MATH 225 and 226




3, 4, 5






MUSC 101

MUSC 145

MUSC 145 and 146







4, 5


4, 5





PHYS 271

PHYS 308 and 309

PHYS 308

PHYS 303

PSYC Psychology 4, 5 3 PSYC 101
SPAN Language


4, 5



SPAN 101

SPAN 101 and 102

CLEP Examinations

The University recognizes that many experiences relevant to a student’s education occur in places other than the traditional classroom setting. Students may receive advanced credits through the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) administered for the College Entrance Examination Board by Educational Testing Service (ETS).

Scores earned must be in or at the 50th percentile for awarding credit. The following conditions apply.

  1. Students must be admitted and have matriculated at the University for one semester before credit is posted;
  2. Students cannot use CLEP credits as part of the final 30 semester hours, and the final 30 semester hours must be taken in residence;
  3. To receive credit, the CLEP test must have been taken at a nationally recognized CLEP Test Center approved by ETS; and
  4. An official score report must be forwarded to the Office of Admissions for evaluation.

CLEP examinations posted on transcripts from other institutions will be accepted if the examination has been approved by Bowie State University and the scores reported are equal to or higher than those required by the Institution. It is the responsibility of the student to request that the Educational Testing Service forward a copy of the official score report to the Office of Admissions.

If a student has a question about a test item, his/her score report, or any other aspect of a CLEP examination that his/her test center cannot answer, write to: CLEP, PO Box 6600, Princeton, NJ 08541-6600 or visit http://www.collegeboard.org.

Bowie State University awards credits for CLEP Examinations as indicated in the following chart:

American Literature 46 6 ENGL 316, 317
College Composition 44 3 ENGL 101
English Literature 46 6 ENGL 301, 302
English with Essay 60 3 ENGL 102
Analysis / Introduction of Literature 47 3 ENGL 236
College French I and II: First/Second Semesters 39 6 FREN 101, 102
College French I and II: Third/Fourth Semesters 45 6 FREN 201, 202
College Spanish I and II: First/Second Semesters 45 6 SPAN 101, 102
College Spanish I and II: Third/Fourth Semesters 50 6 SPAN 201, 202
Introduction to Accounting 45 6 BUAD 201, 202
Introduction to Business Law 51 3 BUAD 350
Introduction to Macro-Economics 44 3 ECON 211
Introduction to Micro-Economics 41 3 ECON 212
African American History 48 6 HIST 114, 115
American Government 47 3 GOVT 231
American History I 47 3 HIST 201
American History II 46 3 HIST 202
Western Civilization I 46 3 HIST 110
Western Civilization II 47 3 HIST 111
Educational Psychology 47 3 PSYC 412
General Psychology 47 3 PSCY 101
Introduction to Sociology 47 3 SOCI 101
College Algebra 46 3 MATH 125
College Algebra-Trigonometry 45 3 MATH 126
CLEP General Examinations: General Humanities 420-500 6 HUMA Elective
CLEP General Examinations: Social Science / History 420-500 6 HIST Elective
CLEP General Examinations: History 50 6 HIST Electives

DANTES Subject Standardized Examinations

Bowie State University awards credits for DANTES Subject Standardized Examinations as indicated in the following chart:

Principle of Statistics 48 3  
Art of the Western World 48 3  
Continental Western World 48 3  
Introduction Modern Middle East 44 3  
Geography 48 3  
History of Vietnam 49 3  
Ethics in America 46 3  
Civil War and Reconstruction 47 3  
Foundations of Education 46 3  
Lifespan Developmental Psychology 45 3  
General Anthropology 47 3  
Introduction to World Religion 49 3  
Introduction to Law Enforcement 45 3  
Criminal Justice 49 3  
Astronomy 48 3  
Here’s to Your Health 48 3  
Environment and Humanity 46 3  
Principles of Physical Science I 47 3  
Physical Geography 46 3  
Principles of Finance 46 3  
Principles of Finance Accounting 49 3  
Human Resource Management 48 3  
Organizational Behavior 48 3  
Principles of Supervision 46 3  
Business Law II 52 3  
Introduction to Computers with BASIC 47 3  
Introduction to Business 46 3  
Money and Banking 48 3  
Personal Finance 46 3  
Management Information Systems 46 3  
Fundamentals of Counseling 47 3  
Principles of Public Speaking 47 3  
Technical Writing with Essay 46 3  

Students should forward their DANTES score reports to the Office of Admissions for evaluation.

ACT/PEP Examinations

Bowie State University awards credits for ACT/PEP Examinations as indicated in the following chart:

Fundamentals of Nursing 45 8  
Fundamentals of Gerontology 46 3  
Statistics 48 3  
Health Restoration I 47 4  
Professional Strategies: NURS 47 4  
Commonalities in NURS Care A 47 5  
Organizational Behavior LG 3  
Principles of Management 45 3  
History of Nazi Germany LG 3  
Maternal and Child NURS A 45 6  
Maternal and Child NURS B 45 8  
Abnormal Psychology 45 3  
The American Dream LG 6  
Health Restoration II 47 4  
Commonalities in NURS Care B 47 5  
Differences in NURS Care A 47 5  
Principles of Marketing 45 3  
Ethics: Theory and Practice 46 3  
Human Resource Management 45 3  
Psychiatric Mental health NURS 45 8  
Anatomy and Physiology 45 6  
Religions of the World LG 3  
International Conflicts 20th c. LG 3  
War in Vietnam (1945 - 1975) LG 3  
Health Support I 45 4  
Differences in NURS Care B 45 5  
Occupational Strategies NURS 47 3  
Labor Relations 44 3  
Adult Nursing 45 8  
Read Instruction ELEM ED. 45 6  
Microbiology 45 3  
Maternity Nursing 45 3  
New Rule of Reason LG 3  
Health Support II 45 4  
Differences in NURS Care C 45 4  
Business Policy PF 3  
Corporate Finance 45 3  
Production/Operations Management 45 3  
Life Span Dev Psychology 45 3  
  LG=Letter Grade PF=Pass/Fail  

Students should forward their ACT/PEP score reports to the Office of Admissions for evaluation.

Credit by Examination - Challenge Examination

Students wishing to gain credit by demonstrating their prior mastery of the content of a course, must pass a “challenge examination.” Challenge examinations are prepared and graded by the academic department responsible for the course for which the credit is being requested. If a passing score is obtained, credit is awarded, but no grade is assigned. Credit is designated on the student’s transcript as “CR.” Students must contact the chair of the department responsible for courses for which they are seeking credit. The following conditions apply:

  1. Students must be admitted and matriculating at the University;
  2. Students must register and pay for the course prior to the end of the Add/Drop period.
  3. Credit by examination courses cannot be used as a basis for removing incomplete grades and withdrawals or as a basis for changing grades; and
  4. No examination may be attempted more than once.

Graduation and Degree Requirements

The graduation ceremony at Bowie State University is held at the end of the FALL and SPRING semester. Bowie State University awards the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees. The degrees are conferred and noted on the academic transcript at the end of the FALL and SPRING semesters and at the end of the SUMMER session.

All undergraduate records are closed no later than six weeks after the official date of graduation. There will be no changes made on the permanent academic records after this date.

Graduation Application

Students expecting to complete graduation requirements by the end of the FALL, SPRING, or SUMMER session, must complete the online Graduation Application by the published deadline date located on the Academic Calendar.  Any student attempting to apply for graduation after the deadline date will have to make a formal request to the Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management.  The request should include a Student Inquiry form along with supporting documentation as to why the deadline was missed for consideration. 

After review, students will either be placed in Approved, Pending, Review, or Denial status. Pending (meaning students are on-track to graduating and finishing up remaining requirements/waiting on final grades) or Approved (meaning students have completed all requirements/final grades are posted) status is required in order to participate in Commencement. 

Degree Requirements

Degree requirements vary according to the major content area completed in an academic discipline. The academic departments are responsible for establishing and disseminating clearly defined degree requirements. Specific degree requirements are described in this catalog under each academic department. For example, national examinations may be required by various departments as a part of assessment and are, therefore, required for graduation. Students should refer to that section of the catalog that deals with programs of study.

The Office of the Registrar maintains the official record of all students enrolled in the University. Each student is responsible for working with an assigned advisor in the major department to ensure that the courses being completed meet the departmental requirements. All students should maintain their own personal academic files, which should include copies of all grades, documents, and materials that are related to the degree. 

A student who satisfactorily meets the following requirements will receive a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts degree. Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree include 12 semester hours of a foreign language. All undergraduate records are closed no later than six weeks after the official date of graduation. There will be no changes made on the permanent academic records after this date.

  1. Residency Requirement - Students matriculating at Bowie State University must complete the final thirty (30) semester hours in residence (courses taken at Bowie State University or at one of the University System of Maryland schools, with permission) in partial fulfillment of graduation requirements. Credits received for CLEP, portfolio, military, or transfer credits may not be used to fulfill the residency requirement.
  2. Credit Requirements - The minimum requirement for graduation is 120 semester hours, which must include at least thirty-two (32) semester hours of upper-level course work.
  3. Successful Completion of a Major - All students must earn a grade of “C” or better in the major content area courses and in other courses defined as an integral part of the major.
  4. Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) - All students must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or higher to graduate. The GPA is computed by using only courses taken at Bowie State University.
  5. Credit in All Required General Education Courses - All students must successfully complete the general education requirements as specified. Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in Expository Writing (ENGL 101), and Argument and Research (ENGL 102).
  6. Outcomes Assessment Examinations - All students must demonstrate achievement of knowledge related to the major content area. The required standard or assessment is defined by the department and the major. Failure to achieve expected outcomes may delay graduation (see requirements under programs of study).

Graduation with Honors

Graduation with honors is a tribute that recognizes academic achievement. If a student’s overall cumulative GPA is 3.5 or higher but less than 3.65, a student graduates with the distinction of Cum Laude; 3.65 or higher but less than 3.85, Magna Cum Laude; and 3.85 or higher, Summa Cum Laude. At least thirty (30) semester hours must be earned in upper level courses (300-400) with grades of “C” or better.

A native student’s cumulative GPA for graduation with honors is based on all college work at Bowie State University. A transfer student who has earned at least 60 semester hours at Bowie State must have a 3.5 or higher GPA for work completed at the University and at other colleges and universities.

Honors status at graduation applies only to students who are seeking their first degree.

Honors will consist of the following cumulative grade point averages:

3.85 - 4.00 Summa Cum Laude
3.65 - 3.84 Magna Cum Laude
3.50 - 3.64 Cum Laude

Note: Because final grades are processed after Commencement, Latin Honors listed in the Commencement Ceremony Program are tentative, pending the submission of final grades of that semester. 

Academic Recognition

A transfer student who has earned 30-59 semester hours at Bowie State University and has a GPA of 3.5 or above at Bowie State and at other colleges and universities will graduate with academic recognition. Graduation with Academic Recognition will appear on the student’s transcript.

Official Transcript Services

Current Students and Alumni can order their official transcripts for a fee of $10.00 per copy.  Official transcript requests can only be completed through our website at https://www.bowiestate.edu/academics-research/registrars-office/transcript-services

To receive a copy of your official transcript your Bowie State University account must be free of ALL financial obligations. Contact the appropriate office to resolve any issues prior to submitting a transcript request. An official transcript cannot be canceled or refunded once processed.

Student Records

The University maintains students’ educational records in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended (Buckley Amendment). Records of students are not released without their consent, except for that information that the institution classifies as Public Directory Information. Public Directory Information may be given to any inquirer. Bowie State University designates the following as Public Directory Information: School or division of enrollment, periods of enrollment, degrees awarded, honors, and major field.

Students who wish to withhold the release of any of this information must submit a written request to the Office of the Registrar. Unless under legal compulsion, all information (not identified as directory information) regarding students’ records shall be denied.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, sets forth requirements regarding the privacy of student records. FERPA governs:

  • The release of these records (known as education records) maintained by an educational institution and
  • Access to these records. This law applies to K-12 as well as postsecondary education.

Students have three primary rights under FERPA. They have the right to:

  • Inspect and review their education records
  • Have some control over the disclosure of information from their education records.
  • Seek to amend incorrect education records.

In addition, students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education if they believe one of their primary rights have been violated.

Institutions must annually notify students currently in attendance of their rights by means that are likely to be read by students. The most common examples are in the student handbook, catalog, or student newspaper. This notice also applies to any student pursuing education via distance education or any other non-traditional educational delivery process.

Institutions may not disclose information contained in education records with the student’s written consent except under conditions specified in the Act. An institution is not required to disclose information from a student’s education records to the parents of dependent students but may exercise its discretion to do so. It is the responsibility of an institution to ensure that information is not improperly disclosed to the parents of the students.

FERPA applies to the education records of persons who are, or have been, in attendance in postsecondary institutions, including students in cooperative and correspondence study programs and in any non-traditional education delivery process, such as distance learning.