Mar 03, 2025  
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Human Resource Development, MA

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Graduate Program Coordinator:
Dr. Marsha E. Jackson

Human Resource Development (HRD) Practitioners are in high demand to help organizations and individuals improve their performance. In this age of global expansion, there is an ever increasing need for those who can teach others to effectively manage relationships, the core of organizational potential, as a gateway to improving organizational performance from the individual, team, and structural levels. The Master of Arts in Human Resource Development Program prepares future and current HRD practitioners to maximize their knowledge, skills, and abilities in the full range of competencies required for improving organizational and human performance.

From an adult learning perspective, the Human Resource Development Program provides the broadest interpretation of human resource development, linking it to concepts and principles associated with individual, group and organizational performance improvement. Emphasis is placed on training, consulting, curriculum design, leadership development, human resource management, strategic planning, adult education, technology, and development of human resources from an individual, organizational, and community level. It is inclusive of the assessment, design, delivery, implementation and evaluation of programs aimed at meeting the needs of employees and organizations. Incorporated within this program design are management disciplines, such as organizational behavior, organizational development, and human resource management, which further enhance the skills, knowledge, and behavior of the learner.

The HRD curriculum is designed to meet industries general and specific goals in the development and management of individuals and organizations. Our established course applications are used by private and public entities of all sizes. We develop your specific competencies to make this practitioners field of study work for you. This program provides an in-depth examination of theory, principles and applications in human resource development. It is focused on practitioners who function in a variety of contexts, including private industry, government agencies, non-profit organizations, corporations, educational institutions, military, health care organizations, and professional and voluntary associations. Program graduates will be able to assist business, industry and government in increasing productivity through improved human resource development and management interventions and practices. This program provides learners with the opportunity to share professional experiences with peers and to apply learned skills in organizational settings. Lecture and experiential learning applications are combined and based upon appropriate concepts that allow the individual to powerfully apply in practical situations. For individuals who are interested in starting their own business or freelance as internal or external consultants, our HRD program maximizes your professional skills and experiences to directly connect your human resource development strategies to individual and organizational needs.

HRD’s proven curriculum processes ensure effective outcomes that result in learning through demonstrative applied applications. Our program instructors were specifically selected based on their expertise and understanding of the field of human resource development. We continually evaluate our effectiveness based on the facilitator’s ability to create a positive learning environment and the ability to transfer meaningful human resource development related experiential learning experiences and information to the learner. As a result, you are insured an academic experience that will properly prepare you for success in the field of human resource development. This is inclusive of consulting, training, organizational development, human resource management, project management, mediation and conflict resolution, leadership and career development. You can gain the confidence and competence to guide you on your way to success as an HRD practitioner in our accelerated and traditional program offerings.

We offer an accelerated track in which learners can complete their degree within 12 to 15 months. For a traditional experience, students follow the program at a less accelerated pace and complete the program within a two-year period. The program is offered during the evening to accommodate working adults and may be pursued on a full-time or part-time basis. Both traditional and hybrid courses are available. Courses are scheduled weekly with two eight-week sessions per semester. Students should consult with an academic advisor to ensure proper sequencing of courses as there are advanced courses that require certain prerequisites. Thirty-nine credit hours must be completed to meet the degree requirement.

The Mission and Goals of the Human Resource Development Program

The Human Resource Development (HRD) program is designed to exemplify the highest standard of facilitating a learning process that enhances the skills, knowledge, and behaviors of the student population so they are able to compete professionally in an effective manner as an HRD practitioner. Thus, the goals of the HRD program are to:

  1. Model exemplary practices that create a supportive environment in which the social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs of students are met in order to assure that they become effective practitioners in the field of HRD;
  2. Provide practicum sites in which students have opportunities to apply human resource development practices, implement and evaluate innovative ideas, and demonstrate their abilities as practitioners;
  3. Provide students with an andragogical knowledge base grounded in theoretical and scientific research, allowing the student to apply principles and practices of human resource development; develop, design, implement, and evaluate appropriate training in classrooms and organizational settings using a variety of instructional strategies and media;
  4. Ensure that students have an experiential, participatory education for the purpose of enabling them to increase their knowledge and express their intellectual abilities through the practical application of their knowledge in the human resource development profession;
  5. Foster the individual professional growth of HRD practitioners through collaborative exploration, development, and application of the knowledge based on exemplary practices and field experience locally and internationally; and
  6. Work with students throughout the program to ensure that assessments, research projects, and feedback support their individual professional growth.

Admission to the Program

Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and have a grade point (GPA) average of 2.75 or better (on a 4.0 scale).

  1. Applicants with a cumulative grade point average between 2.5 and 2.74 may be granted conditional admission. Conditional admission will be removed with the attainment of a cumulative grade point average of 3.25 or better after completion of the first nine graduate credit hours.
  2. GPA Exceptions. In cases where an applicant is returning to school with varied professional experience and does not meet the GPA standard, the applicant should appeal to the HRD graduate committee for admission consideration.

Degree Requirements

The program requires:

  • a total of 39 semester hours which includes:
    • 10 core courses and 3 electives;
    • a non-thesis option seminar (topical) paper; and
  • a written comprehensive examination.

Transfer Graduate Credits

Applicants may transfer up to six (6) credit hours from an accredited institution. Up to nine (9) credit hours may be accepted if the student is transferring earned credits from an HRD program or related field of study from an accredited institution. Only courses of a “B” or better may be considered for transfer.

Program of Study

All candidates are required to meet with an assigned HRD advisor to complete a Program of Study during the first semester of enrollment. The program of study tracks the student’s selection of core and elective courses and is required for advancement to candidacy.

Candidates who desire to customize their plan of student to incorporate alternative elective courses from other concentrated program areas should consult with their academic advisor upon acceptance into the program.

Advancement to Candidacy

Upon completion of twelve (12) to fifteen (15) hours of coursework, the student should apply for advancement to candidacy. These credits should be taken at Bowie State University and count towards the graduate degree. The minimum GPA for Advancement to Candidacy is 3.25. Candidates for the Master of Arts in HRD who fail to meet the minimum GPA will be denied Advancement to Candidacy.

Standard of Academic Performance

Candidates for a Master of Arts in Human Resource Development must maintain a 3.0 or better to remain in good academic standing. Candidates falling below the minimum level of performance will be placed on academic probation and be required to meet with an academic advisor to plan a course of action to restore the required performance standard. A candidate on probation will not be allowed to take the Comprehensive Examination.

Comprehensive Examination and Review

To qualify to take the Comprehensive Examination, a candidate must have completed at least 24 hours of coursework that include HURD 601, HURD 690, HURD 730, HURD 732, HURD 741, HURD 764, HURD 765, and HURD 806 and must have been advanced to candidacy. Students enrolled in coursework that would result in the completion of the minimum 24 credit hour requirement may, with the permission of the Program Coordinator, be allowed to take the comprehensive examination during the same semester. Candidates are strongly encouraged to take the comprehensive examination after the completion of the six core courses (training, consulting, organizational behavior, adult learning, organization development and research) covered by the examination and at least one semester prior to the date they expect to graduate. The HRD faculty offers a comprehensive examination orientation with weekly review sessions prior to the examination.

Course Registration

HRD program offers two eight-week sessions per fall and spring semesters and early registration is recommended for all courses as class sizes are limited. Some classes may be cancelled up to 48 hours prior if there is insufficient enrollment. Candidates accepted into the program are encouraged to register simultaneously in courses offered in both eight-week sessions. Candidates (admitted without conditions) may take up to 4 courses per semester.

Sample Full Time Schedule Sequence-Accelerated Program

(Full time students can complete the program within a 12-15 month calendar schedule - A total of ten courses and three electives [E])

(Select Four Courses
(Select Four Courses)
(Select One Course)
(Select Four Courses)
1st Session

2nd Session

1st Session

2nd Session

  1st Session

2nd Session

HURD 608 [E] HURD 748 [E] HURD 601 HURD 690 HURD 766 HURD 765*** HURD 730
HURD 656 [E] HURD 690 HURD 732 HURD 741 HURD 608 [E] HURD 880 HURD 736
  HURD 700* E] HURD 764 HURD 806**   HURD 720 [E] HURD 668
This is a sample schedule only. Candidates are encouraged to consult with an advisor before registering to complete a suitable plan of study to accommodate your entry date and matriculation timeline.

*HURD 700 provides a 3 credit two-week International HRD practicum experience. Candidates who opt to take this practicum course are expected to meet the additional fees, which include airfare, hotel, meals, vaccinations and other preparation expenses. See your advisor for additional details. Other special topics include: Mediation and Conflict Resolution

**HURD 806 provides the candidate with the opportunity to develop their proposal for development of a topical seminar paper. This is in preparation for HURD 880 Seminar whereby the learner will complete the in-depth examination of a topical area relevant to the field of study. Conducting a live human research study (thesis) is not required for this program.

***HURD 765 is offered in the spring semester only in a 16-week format. Candidates must successfully complete the prerequisite course HURD 764 prior to enrolling-with permission from the instructor.

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