Feb 16, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Museum Studies and Visual Culture Minor

The Baltimore/DC area is surrounded by countless opportunities related to fine arts, art preservation and research in the visual arts. The minor was created to support students who have an interest in careers and research areas related to art history, theory, criticism, as well as pop culture and museum-related studies. The minor will also empower and prepare students for working in the local and national museum, galleries and arts organizations.

Students are also required to assist with art research, preservation, exhibition preparation and removal in both the BSU Gallery of Art in the Department of Fine & Performing Arts, and online galleries via the DFPA or ART/VCDMA website, for a minimum of one semester, which will include support of the ART 498 and VCDM 498 senior thesis exhibitions.

They will also be required to take one semester of ART 491 Internship working with an institution or organization. Students must successfully pass a minimum of 24 credits hours in art history, studio and/or related courses. Students should speak to an advisor for approved courses.

The Prince George’s County, Baltimore/DC metropolitan area is surrounded by countless opportunities related to fine arts, preservation and research in the visual arts. The minor was created to support students who have an interest in careers and research areas related to art history, theory, criticism, as well as pop culture and museum-related studies. The minor will also empower and prepare students for working in the local and national museum, galleries and arts organizations.

Museum Studies & Visual Culture Minor 25-27 Credits total:

ART 200 African Art: Past and Present 3 Credits

ART 301 Art History I (Prehistoric through Gothic) 3 Credits

ART 302 Art History II (Renaissance Through Romantic) 3 Credits

ART 404 History of Modern Art 3 Credits

ART 405 African American Art History 3 Credits

VCDM 408 Visual Culture: Contemporary Issues in Art, Aesthetics, and Culture 3 Credits

VCDM/ART 490 Museum, Gallery & Studio Seminar 3 Credits

ART/VCDM Art Studio course as approved by advisor 3 Credits (Choose one: ART 101, 102, 110, 210, 230, 250, 295, 270, 310, 320, 310, 390)

Choose one:




The Studio Art concentration in the Department of Fine & Performing Arts is always working on providing students with access to the latest in technology, equipment, art preparation materials and innovation. The Fine and Performing Arts Center houses five (5) art studios; Drawing and Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture, Ceramics, and Photography, in which courses are held. In addition, there is one (1) darkroom and state-of-the-art Apple digital media labs. Students also have access to the latest technology and equipment in digital video production, visual effects, lighting and digital photography, green screen and backdrops. Studio Art students may also have access (with permission from VCDMA faculty and requests from Art faculty) for research, printing, scanning, and limited Internet access in the VCDMA digital arts lab, usually 6 to 7 days a week, as scheduled.

Museum Studies and Visual Culture Minor 25-27 Credits total: