Mar 13, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

History and Government - History (Social Studies) Education Track, BS

The student-educator candidate must meet criteria set by both the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and the university. In terms of semester hours, the student must complete thirty-six hours in history, forty hours in professional education, and twenty-four hours in the social and behavioral sciences. The hours in history include the following: eighteen hours of history survey, fifteen hours of upper level history, and HIST 497. The thirty-three hours of survey history courses and of upper level history courses must be taken before the student takes HIST 497. All candidates in history or social studies teaching will receive a departmental evaluation with the faculty of the department whereupon a recommendation is made on the student’s ability to continue in the teacher education program.

General Education And Institutional Requirements

English Composition (6 semester hours)

Arts and Humanities (6 semester hours 2 different disciplines)

Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physical Science, 1 lab course req.)

Mathematics 116 or above (3 semester hours)

Technology (3 semester hours)

  • COSC ___ Computer Science Elective 3 Credits

Institutional Requirements (6 semesters hours)

Other General (Free) Educational Electives (9 semester hours)


See the full list of University General Education and Institutional Requirements for additional options.

Students are encouraged to take SUMMER courses and attend MINI-SEMESTER in order to have a manageable semester load.

Note: The Department reserves the right to specify suitable general education courses, in keeping with COMAR, for its majors.

History Survey Courses

Same courses & same number of hours as majors in General History  Sequence

Total: 18


Upper Level History Courses

Five Upper Level History Courses

Total: 15



The student must take two courses in each of two sub-fields and one course in the third sub-field. The sub-fields are the following: Africa, Europe, and the United States. To graduate, the student must have, at least, one course in each sub-field and two courses in two sub-fields. The listing of courses, according to sub-fields, is under History Concentration .

History Senior Seminar


Core Requirements



The GOVT and the GEOG courses are part of the core requirements for all departmental majors. SOCI 101 and PSYC 101 should be fulfilled as part of the university’s general education requirements for the social science electives or other general education electives.

General Education And Institutional Requirements

The General Education and Institutional Requirements for the History and Social Studies Concentration is the same as that for the General History Concentration. See the list of General Education and Institution Requirements  under the General History Concentration.

Students are encouraged to take SUMMER courses and attend MINI-SEMESTER in order to have a manageable load. Note: The Department reserves the right to specify suitable general education courses, in keeping with COMAR, for its majors.


The State of Maryland Requirements in Secondary School Teaching:

  1. Bachelor’s degree in history and social studies education
  2. For certification as a teacher in history-social studies, the following course work must be completed: Thirty-six hours of history, forty hours of professional studies, and twenty-four hours of social sciences. In addition, students must pass the following examinations: PRAXIS I and PRAXIS II, including both the pedagogy and the content areas.
  3. PRAXIS CORE - (Recommend that you take after ENGL 102 and MATH course) or use SAT/ACT scores (1100 combined math and reading, 24 composite ACT).
  4. Admission to Teacher Education Interview - (Should interview at end of 2nd semester of sophomore year).
  5. PRAXIS II - Must pass before Graduation
  6. Action Research Presentation - (At completion of Student Teaching)
  7. Portfolio Presentation - (At completion of Student Teaching)

Praxis Core Support Electives


Recommended for students in need of general PRAXIS Core Support and Math support

(MATH 130 can be substituted for MATH 127)

Sample Program


Freshman Year


Sophomore Year


Total: 16


Second Semester


Total: 18


Junior Year


First Semester


Total: 18


Second Semester


Total: 18


Senior Year


First Semester


Total: 16


Second Semester


Total: 12